Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Apple reminds us of Doji at Top

Apple today reminded again why Doji at the top should be watched very carefully.

This signal has more than 400 years of history. Japanese rice traders developed the system 
period.  In mid 1700,  Kosaku Kato (1716 - 1803) was born in the city of Sakata, now Tamagata
His mastery of the rice market price movements was popularized in verses such as: "When it shines in Sakata (the growing region) it’s cloudy in Dojima."  English translation means when there is good weather in Sakata, the prices fall on the Dojima exchange. "And in Edo (Tokyo), it rains." Rice prices plummet there.

Apple yesterday wrote a new all time highs at 103.74 and formed a doji at the top signal. It was not a red candle doji but was a doji and if one had watched it carefully, the way Apple opened today would have stopped them out. Apple opened at 103.2 today and then within few minutes started selling off.
I had my stops at 102.49 and I was immediately taken out. That trade triggering me woke me up as I was busy watching other stocks gapping higher up.

Once again Doji at the top should not be ignored.