This is from Barrons.  I dont really understand what this really means to our DAG positions.

I will post more as I fully understand what happens behind the scenes on how this ETF will be tracking the Ag Index.


Deutsche Bank Suspends Issuance Of Double-Long Ag ETF

This afternoon, Deutsche Bank (DB) said it had suspended issuance of the PowerShares DB Agriculture Double Long Exchange-Traded Notes (DAG). The firm has been trying to tweak its commodity ETNs for nearly two years to comply with a growing crackdown by regulators.
In late 2009, DB restructured some of its commodity ETNs after the Commodity Futures Trading Commission began setting “position limits” on how much any one fund could hold of a particular commodity.
The ETN, which acts and trades much like its sister exchange-traded funds except it represents notes issued by DB rather than shares, closed down 1.8% today. But DAG has gained more than 65% in the past 12-months as agricultural prices have shot higher.
The ETN also had some $145.5 million, according to Morningstar.
The move means that DAG will trade like a closed-end fund. While not mentioning the reason for the suspension, DB said in a statement: “daily repurchases at the option of holders of the notes will not be affected by this suspension, but the product will not be offered to new investors.”
A representative at DB refused further comment.